Point of Sales

Applications to support your sales process

Let manufacturers’ data support you with product configuration. Including the product and sales information you need during your consulting and sales process.

Check out the free online application made available to you in collaboration with the manufacturers below.

Product Information

Visual configuration

Access with pCon.login



pCon.facts is the powerful digital price list for sales teams that combines detailed product information with impressive presentation possibilities. Create and share extensive sales material or just let the figures speak for themselves. Flexible, reliable – and the competition one step ahead.

Read more about the digital pricelist.

A mobile phone with a screen with the application of pCon.facts
a mockup of a tablet with the app pCon.box design tool


With pCon.box you can combine fast interior prototypes with
Extensive product knowledge and convincing customer experiences. Create designs and interior design ideas on your mobile device and bring them to your customer’s room with AR. A must at the point of sale.

Learn more about pCon.box.

pCon.basket CE

With the powerful online application for creating
Professional item lists and budget overviews give you 24-hour access to your manufacturers’ catalogues and product information. Simply log in with your pCon.login details and use the free browser application.

Read more about the pCon.basket CE.

a mockup of a laptop with the quotation tool pCon basket

pCon.basket CE

Access the free web application with your pCon.login credentials.

Join the pCon community

As an interior designer or as architect in a design studio, a retailer at the point of sales or order clerk in the back office, the pCon community is the right place to be.

Over 680 manufacturers and brands are already available in the pCon community, providing up-to-date data to organizations and users from more than 130 countries.


For Professionals

Set Up Quickly

Industry News

Registration with the pCon.community is free.
It is, however, reserved for interior professionals – such as architects, interior designers, facility managers, agents, specialized dealers, or manufacturers.

Not sure if you meet the requirements?

Powerful solutions >680 Partners Amazing Opportunities for free