
The on-the-go design tool

Design interiors, configure products and communicate your design wherever you are with our free design tool.

Go through the entire process together with the customer, in your showroom or at the customer’s location, and create a high-quality customer experience. Start the sales process with the pCon.box.

The on the go design app - The features of pCon.box

All you need is a pCon.login account.

Tablet and Iphone pictured with pCon applications the design tool

Respond quickly

Use a floor plan as a starting point, simply take a photo of an existing floor plan and use it as a basis.

Define the distances of the floor plan to easily scale it.


Product data

Access configurable data from leading manufacturers in over 20 countries. With this data, you can set up your projects in no time.


With just one click, you can generate an article list with customised images and prices from the configured products all in this free design tool.

two tablets pictured with a design tool called pCon.box

Augmented Reality

pCon.box offers a new way of presenting, in which the focus is entirely on the customer. Using Augmented Reality, you can present the products directly in the customer’s space.

The personally configured data is visualised in real time.

Efficient: Design on the go

Our free design tool is the ideal solution to start the sales process.

Send projects to the pCon.planner and work them out in detail. Create realistic renders, define groups to simplify the item list, generate print layouts and much more.

This process is efficient because of the connections between the pCon products.

3 devices connected to each other with pCon design tool

Get in touch

Contact us for more information.

Contact Form - EN & GB

Join the pCon community

As an interior designer or as architect in a design studio, a retailer at the point of sales or order clerk in the back office, the pCon community is the right place to be.

Over 680 manufacturers and brands are already available in the pCon community, providing up-to-date data to organizations and users from more than 130 countries.


For Professionals

Set Up Quickly

Industry News

Registration with the pCon.community is free.
It is, however, reserved for interior professionals – such as architects, interior designers, facility managers, agents, specialized dealers, or manufacturers.

Not sure if you meet the requirements?

Powerful solutions >680 Partners Amazing Opportunities for free